Sunday, April 2, 2017

Brexit: German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel tells UK "let's stay friends" despite EU divorce

Brexit has caused a lot of commotion since it was first announced. It was a major decision that has had many and far reaching effects. Some people or countries might have been offended by this decision. However, Germany is not one of these. Germany says lets still be friends and not let this come between us. The German government has said that they will fully support both the EU Brexit and the European Commission. Germany feels that the best thing for everyone is to work together and they are willing to help work towards this goal. There is no reason to disrupt ties with trading partners because that would not be good for anyone. So the overall message from Germany is “Let’s still be friends.”

Work Cited:
Donahue, R. B. (2017, March 29). Brexit: German foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel tells UK 'let's stay friends' despite EU divorce. 
Retrieved April 02, 2017, from


  1. I have been paying close attention to precious metals during the whole Brexit storm. Being that the UK and Germany are major players in commodities, I wonder how long things will remain volatile.

  2. I think it's great that Germany is keeping such an open attitude despite the Brexit commotion! I agree that it's best for everyone to work together, but unfortunately, this does not always happen due to politics, money, etc.

  3. I think when you are establishing a trade market, and have no way to win with choosing a side, we need to look at pleasing all sides. It will lead to difficulties with establishing trading terms, but could be a great opportunity to expand in different ways with their organizational structures for each business. Sometimes, you land on lines where you have to choose a certain political choice, but when you can support both, everyone wins.
