Sunday, February 12, 2017

Newly Elected German President

Germany's parliamentary assembly has elected Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a Social Democrat, as the country's president. The position of president in Germany is largely ceremonial, because the chancellor is the official head of government and has a higher profile on the world stage. Steinmeier previously served as vice chancellor and foreign minister under current Chancellor Angela Merkel. He was elected by the vast majority of the assembly, receiving 931 out of 1,253 votes. 
Steinmeier, 61, has been a vocal critic of US President Donald Trump. He described Trump in August as a "hate preacher," likening him to right-wing populists in Europe who "make politics with fear," German news agency DPA reported.
Steinmeier also expressed concerns about Trump's comments that NATO, the political and military alliance between North America and Europe, is obsolete.

Work Cited


  1. WOW!!!! So months before the election the German government was already being concerned about how Trump might be visualized. The concerns about NATO has been one of those things I have wondered would go by the wayside. I have for years considered the US to be the UN police force. We seem to need to go into places with the express idea of "fixing" things.

  2. Just yesterday, VP Pence said there is strong support for NATO, which he stated on behalf of Trump. Now that does not mean Trump actually supports NATO now, but it will be interesting to see how things play out with the NATO and Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

    - Kevin Rindfleisch
